Armchair travel has often been suggested as a course that would be of interest at U3A. So when would be a better time than 2021 when virtual travel is all that will be available to us?
“Off the Beaten Track” will be organised in the same format as Soapbox
Seminars with many different members presenting their experiences of travel that is a bit different from the popular venues. It is proposed that each presentation will run for three quarters to one hour. We want stories that are different, travels to far flung places or stories of hidden treasures in eg London or Paris.
If you have not presented via Zoom before, Steph Wellard or John Parker will assist you to present photos or other visual material. This course will run on Thursday mornings at 10am on Zoom unless we receive good news about returning “live” to our rooms. If you have a story to tell please ring Mary Howlett 049922199