There’s never been a better time to get online!
- Communicate with your family and friends
- Pay bills online
- Go shopping without leaving your home
- Check out your bank balance
- Monitor credit card spending
- Find new recipes
- Research family history
- Play games
- Share and store photos
- Read your favourite newspaper
- …and so much more!
Be Connected is a free Australian Government initiative helping you to get the most out of your computer, tablet or phone. You can learn at your own pace by working through interesting online modules or you can work with a volunteer tutor from your own community.
U3A Baw Baw is your local Be Connected Support Centre. Volunteer tutors will provide support and training in a way that suits you – individual help, regular classes and special workshops.
Click on the “Be Connected” icon below to visit the Be Connected website.

Sign up for the programme
When you create an account use “Name of support centre” U3A BAW BAW INC —